Wednesday, October 23, 2013

On My Way To Living the Creative Dream Post #4

The Soul Doctor is in! If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try, TRY, TRY AGAIN!!!!It's official my first "NO" - you know the kind that comes when you are knocking on the door and expecting 'Mr. Opportunity' to come and answer the door. But, instead; NO or MAYBE comes and strings you along giving you a small glimpse of HOPE and then finally- NO rears his ugly head. Some take that encounter and drag their feet with their fluffiest robe and hide in a corner. Guess what? Not me, I don't have time to waist. Although NO came to the door. I have hundred more doors to try and search for 'Mr.Opportunity' to open and I am going to need all the strength to keep plugging away! Sometimes, we look at 'No' as a bad thing when in actually it can be looked at as a very good thing. The soul doctors advice is to take two cookies a cup of tea ( or whatever sweet treats you prefer) and ENJOY the journey. The worst we can do is to be still and miss out on our chance for 'Opportunity' to answer the door. Keep searching, keep moving forward. 

So I am at the last week consulting with the lovely Holli Conger and it's bitter sweet. I have been working so hard these last couple of weeks and I am going to miss those weekly emails coming through my inbox. But, what I learned will always fuel me as I keep pursuing my creative career search for opportunity to build my business. 

I have sent out the promo cards and I am still waiting for them to come back. In the meantime I keep plugging away trying to keep up with my sketches and weekly Twoodles and Illustration Friday. Stay tuned again for updates on my journey. 

Post #3

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