Yield Spray. Puts those pesty bugs right in there place!!!
Just a few days ago, I was awaken out of my sleep laughing! My husband was so concerned he wasn't sure if he should wake me or chime right in. I was dreaming I was somewhere in an open field and there was a person who kept following me. Well this new found friend was wearing a Spider man mask and wanting to play hide and seek. Well, I was in no mood for that. I began to spray the "spider" with some spray to tell him to back off! It didn't work. As I sprayed more and more, I kept hearing a shoooo ooooo sound. The sound was so persistent it started to pull me out of my hide and seek dance into the reality of the night. I woke up with my hand out holding my imaginary spray bottle.... shoooo shoooooo ing at 3:00 in the morning. The only spider I was going to shoo away was my lovely husband who at this point was staring at me with wide eyes. I guess he wanted to know if I had totally lost my marbles. So this illustration is dedicated to the little Spider that wanted to play hide and seek! Enjoy guys!!!
This week I played with some textures with my final image. Here are two other versions of the illustration.
Ha! Ha! Love her expression!!